Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Pray Before Starting Clinical Rotations

So I'm going to start my clinical rotations tomorrow. My prayer is that I will care as much about medicine, the patient, society, the big picture, and people in twenty years as I do now. I pray that I don't become jaded by the ways of the health care system. I pray that I stay committed to advancing the rights and interests of the patient and do so in the best interest of my patient and society. I pray that I practice what I preach in preventive care, diet and exercise. I pray that I never stray from the path of doing what is good and right for the patient, myself, and society. I pray that I will become a dependable doctor, a leader, an advocate-activist, and a role model for others. I pray to become the best that I can be and never settle for my own second best. These are the prayers that I will carry with me as I begin my clinical training and hope that I will carry through with them.

1 comment:

  1. I am confident that you will achieve all these things, and you won't falter. GO ARI!
